
0529 Again,the incredible junior

Last Tuesday my fiance was on duty.People who were not on duty had to assemble at 1600 to do exercise.As a result,my fiance stayed at office because he was on duty.Then the junior showed up wearing my fiance's shorts.He wanted to borrow a pair of shorts from my fiance and he put it on before telling my fiance.Though my fiance noticed the junior impolite behavior,he did not blame the junior.
This afternoon my fiance went to office and found the junior still wearing his shorts.My fiance was astounded because the junior seemed not to give back his shorts.The junior went home everyday and he forgot to bring his shorts everyday.What's more,the junior did not wash the shorts since he borrowed it from my fiance.Then my fiance asked the junior when to give it back to him because my fiance had to wear it this afternoon.Much to my fiance's surprise,the junior took it off directly and gave it back to my fiance.To put it another way,my fiance wore a pair of stinking shorts and went exercising this afternoon.