
0512 pay a visit

My fiance's family members,including Lucky pay a visit to my mother today.It is ridiculous to take a dog with us while taking a trip.Lucky pees wherever he likes in my home.What's more,my fiance's mother use my new towel to clean his urine.He sleeps with my fiance's mother in a room.My fiance's mother also take Lucky's mat with them lest Lucky should be unfamiliar to the environment.However he can not fall asleep and keeps annoying my fiance's mother.At midnight,he barks because he want to go out to hang around.As a result,she does not sleep at all.We can not stay outside for a long time because my fiance's mother has to go to my home to prepare Lucky's food.
When it is raining,we have to hug Lucky all the time.He is unwilling to walk on the wet ground.What's more,we do not want Lucky to become dirty because he sleeps with my fiance's mother.
We can not go to a good restaurant because dogs are forbiden there.While eating,my fiance's mother hugs Lucky all the time.Without doing so,Lucky can not stay calm and barks at others.Again,I do not like the stupid dog either can I understand why there are people who like to take dogs with them while taking a trip.

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