
0806 interesting Korean drama

Recently I spend lots of time watching a series of Korean drama which is called"The queen's man.{仁顯王后的男人}"The main actor was an official in ancient Korean three hundred years ago.His main duty is to protect the queen.Much to his disappointment,all his family mambers,including his wife and an unborn child, are killed because of political persercution.One of his slaver goes to a temple to ask for an amulet to protect him from being harmed.Once an assassinator is almost killing him.At the same time,he shows up in modern Korean and meets the main actress,who is a famous actress plays the rule of the queen who the main actor protects in ancient time.
The man finds he can go and come back by using the amulet.So he takes good advantage of it.He not only changes the history,but also falls in love with the actress.He,however,is not allowed to change history.Lots of disastrous things happen to him.What's worse,his feud sets traps to put him in trouble.As it would have it,his amulet is destroyed by bad hooligans at the same time.Without it,he cannot meet his lover anymore.A year passes,under great depression he is going to commit suicide.He sees the gift which is given by the girl.He cannot stop but missing her.Then he shows up in front of her and never leaves her.What a happy ending it is.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you should go to Korean lanquage course instead of English...
