
The reason I got hurt

I called my fiance to tell him I got hurt while jogging.Much to my disappointment,my thigh hurts even when I sit without moving.Our conversations were as below. I:I really hurt myself.I feel pain without stretching my muscle. He:Maybe you should go to see a doctor. I:Though I feel pain,I do not know exactly where my muscle gets hurt.I do not know how to describe my pain. He:I know why you get hurt so severe.Your legs can only support 50 kilograms.However you gain too much weight in two years.Now they have to endure 12 more kilogrames than before.That's really a big burdan to your legs.They can not endure your heavy weight anymore so you got hurt. I:How dare you!

1 comment:

  1. We can drop weight together... ha! ha! ha! ...^^
